? Making Software

We can make you a tailored and profitable digital solution that suits your company needs and budget.

We will analyze and deconstruct your business workflow to build a software with a similar mainframe. With a great user experience, you can expect revolutionary comebacks.

? Our Mission

Our mission is to give people digital tools with understandable mechanics. Using these games or tools will help them being conscious of the universe causality, when realizing doing this can lead to that.

”What I cannot explain, I don’t understand.”
– Richard Feynman

? Creating Games

Games are the best interactive way of transmitting a message to your audience.

We’ve made Silicon City, our own independant game that was released in 2023. We’ve assisted other studios in making theirs and created some small games for business events.

The Team

Jérémie Darciaux

CEO – Art Director – Project Management

Aurel Jacquot

Game Director – Software Achitecture

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Let's meet Online or IRL

We live in Annecy in the French Alps. If you're not too far from us, we'd be happy to meet you!

Polycorne Office

8 bis route des Creuses
Bâtiment 25
74960 Annecy

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